• V. А. Nastasenko
Keywords: quantum of the Universe space, its form and sizes, parameters of gravitational field


In this work the substantiation of the numerical parameters of a quantum space of the Universe is given. It was shown that in previous works these numerical parameters were related to the Planck’s values of length lp, time tp and mass mp, which were obtained on the basis of 3 fundamental physical constants: speed of light in vacuum c, Planck constant h and gravitational constant G. But application of them is not strict enough, since the values lp, tp, mp were obtained on the basis of similar Planck’s values of length, time and mass found by M. Planck in 1900 by replacing the Planck’s circular constant ћ whith the Planck’s constant h. In this case M. Planck obtained these parameters as abstract, having the dimension of meter, second, and kilogram, without their connection with natural analogues, which excludes the possibility of their use in real scientific research. In work proposed these disadvantages are eliminated by switch-over to the wave parameters of the gravitational field., which have wave frequency νG = 7,4∙1042 Hz (constant Nastasenko) and wave length  λG = c/νG = 4,051249|432|∙10-35 m. It is shown that presence of wave properties of elementary particles permits to connect quantum level of space with wave parameters of gravitational field. This connection creates evident physical meaning to quantum of space parameters and possibility of strict problem solvation of their numerical definition. Parameters of minimal quanta of space in the Universe are received on the grounds of common principles of the material world structuring and scientific knowledge development. Whereas, the level of development of knowledge of material world and the Universe fundamentals depends of this parameters on it to a large extent, that is why its solvation is an important and highly topical problem for the development of the contemporary science. It has especially great significance for development of quantum physics, physics of elementary particles, philosophy and cosmology.


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