Keywords: intelligent transport systems, navigation safety, human factor, loss of stability, regular disturbance, restoring moment


One of the important issues of shipping safety is a significant decrease and even loss of stability of ships in waves, as evidenced by accident statistics. In real operating conditions, the shape of the volume of the underwater part of the ship’s hull changes all the time, which leads to changes in the metacentric height and stability shoulder up to 40%. Research has established that the greatest danger for ships is an encounter with a wave whose length coincides with the length of the ship. Guidelines and Recommendations for safe sailing in adverse weather conditions are provided in IMO documents. However, in order to respond to hazards in accordance with existing guidelines, the hazards must first be identified, which is already a difficult technical task, since, in addition to the specified hazard, there are other hazards that can lead to a capsize of the ship or a collapse of the hull. According to the authors of the article, the most radical way to avoid dangers is to utilize automated systems or automatic control modules in automated systems. Effective functioning of automated and automatic systems is ensured by mathematical models of objects or processes, which must have sufficient speed for the possibility of their use in real time. Therefore, the development of such a model is an urgent scientific and technical task. The work developed an analytical model for calculating the restoring moment of the vessel in the roll channel, which allows to estimate the stability of the vessel on regular waves. The developed analytical model can be used both in laboratory studies on stability on regular waves, and in the on-board computer of the automated ship motion control system, which will allow to constantly, at each step of the on-board computer, assess the stability of the ship, thereby reducing the risks of capsizing, loss of the ship and cargo. The possibility of using the analytical model in the on-board computer is explained by the small requirements for computing power. The obtained results differ from the known solutions in that they allow to automate the stability control processes on regular waves, reduce the influence of the human factor and increase the safety of navigation.


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