Keywords: functional status, traffic congestion, temperament, activity level of regulatory systems, the reaction time


Reliability of the city transport system mainly depends on the applied technology traffic management. The main element of this system is the driver, the strategy of behavior of which depends on the security of the system. Traffic congestion, arising from the use of improper techniques of traffic management or due to exceeding the rate of motion of the carrying capacity of roads, lead to changes in the psycho-physiological condition of the driver. The vast majority of drivers experiencing the negative impact of transport congestion, manifested in the deterioration of their functional state. The results of studies of the effect of traffic congestion on the functional state of the driver and his reaction time. The study involved the drivers of all major types of temperaments. At the same time it pointed out that one of the main negative factors violations of traffic management technology is the congestion. It is noted that not all representatives of temperaments worsening functional status. To this group belong, phlegmatic drivers. It is emphasized that the effects of traffic congestion for the vast majority of drivers are shown as changes in their response time and largely determine the safety of road users in general.


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