The aims to enhance maritime navigation quality and safety by developing autonomous navigation systems that mitigate the negative impact of human factors through advanced software and hardware integration with servers and onboard controllers.
A pivotal challenge faced by researchers is to minimize the potentially negative implications of human factors in the context of vessel management, and to develop efficient mechanisms for software and hardware interaction with servers and onboard controllers.
From a methodological perspective, the research encompasses: a) the development of modules to refine management processes; b) the creation of simulation stands for comprehensive research; and c) the design of a detailed 3D model of the MSC Panaya container ship.
The principal outcomes of our study involve the creation of a detailed 3D model of the MSC Panaya container ship, based on factory blueprints. Utilizing advanced 3D printing technology and PLA plastic, physical models ready for field testing of the proposed technical solutions were successfully fabricated. After selecting and configuring a remote-control system for the ship model, it was ensured to be waterproof, maneuverable, and compatible with other components. Using the chosen remote-control system, the model could operate at a distance of up to 500 meters. Notably, the application of PID controllers assists in stabilizing the vessel under varying weather conditions and marine currents. Furthermore, approaches to optimize hardware components, including microcontrollers, sensors, and associated software, were explored. Emphasizing the development of autopilot systems for ship models up to 2 meters in size, it was discerned that compact sensors such as LIDAR, cameras, and sonars could be particularly beneficial for such vessel models. Additionally, communication systems and integrated GPS modules can simplify navigation and interaction.
The practical contribution of the study is reflected in the development and implementation of comprehensive technical solutions aimed at the optimal interaction of the ship model with water bodies, considering the dynamics of weather conditions and nuances of maritime navigation. Experimental testing under real conditions and modern control systems have augmented the efficiency of the model's operation. Prospects for further research include additional refinement of technical solutions and their adaptation to the needs of real ship systems.
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