
Keywords: planning a given path, trajectory points, plane coordinates matrices, automatic deflection detection, decision support system, center of gravity wiring, controls for automated ships, without watch keeping service


It consists in creating a navigation device for planning a given path along waypoints with the coordinates of trajectory points in the form of the sum of matrices of straight and curved path segments and operational control of the parameters of maneuvering of the characteristic points of the vessel. Waypoint coordinates are determined at the intersection of straight segments of the recommended safe straight-line path on the map. An urgent problem is the development of new methods for planning the path and controlling movement along it, taking into account the water area for maneuvering, the maneuvering properties of the vessel and external influences for the timely detection of deviations from the planned parameters. Methods: Calculation of the plane coordinates is performed for the center of gravity of the vessel for the characteristic points of the movement path - the beginning of the turn, the end of the turn, the beginning of braking and the trajectory points of rectilinear sections of the path through 0.2 kbt and curved sections through 1,5 or 10 degrees, depending on the map scale and the angle of rotation. The coordinates of a given path are drawn up in the form of a sum of linear matrices of rectilinear and curved path sections. The navigation system of motion control consists of devices for automatically determining deviations from the planned coordinates and
decision support systems to correct the emerging deviations. Results: The study of the proposed method of planning and traffic control was carried out by means of computer modeling and verification in natural conditions, the results of which showed that the calculated optimal specified trajectory provides guidance of the center of gravity along a given path by the ship's controls and meets the established optimality criteria. Discussion: The main advantage of the method of planning the path of the ship's movement according to the table of waypoints is by calculating the coordinates of the trajectory points along rudder shift angle for curvilinear trajectories, representation of the path in the form of a sum of linear matrices of coordinates of straight and curved linear sections and automatic operational control of motion parameters. The proposed method can be used in the development of controls for automated vessels without watch keeping.


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