• N. A. Sokolova Херсонський національний технічний університет
  • V. A. Shegolkova Шосткинський інститут Сумського державного університета
Keywords: overlay student model, object model trainee island clustering, automated learning systems.


The most famous way of representing knowledge about the student is the overlay model, the structure of which is based on the domain. Such a model is called the subject student model. Building a model is usually done by hand, as it is not universal. In this paper we propose to automate the process of constructing the subject of the student model using labeled training text and keywords. In addition, the allocation problem is solved logically related fragments subject the model to customize the presentation of the material, as well as the thematic evaluation. Fragments used to identify clustering idea island, which is used for the thematic grouping of larger corpus and information in their hierarchical structure. The method works with the subject area, broken into disjoint text area. The method consists in the fact that the first field are called centers of the islands, and then selected based on a measure of proximity to the centers of other areas are added to form a thematic fragment.


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