• V. N. Gusev Херсонська державна морська академія
  • С. Е. Selivanov Херсонська державна морська академія
Keywords: a theoretical problem, vibration, a mast, a sound field, a bend, a core, free Fluctuations, amplitude.


In work the theoretical problem compelled cross – section mast fluctuation is considered (Core) which makes small harmonious fluctuations (vibration) with any amplitude in Direction, perpendicular its axis, thus there is a stationary sound field. Usually under The term a core in acoustics name material weight of the extended cylindrical form. If the core makes the compelled fluctuations, i.e. works on a bend, as required function Ordinate  of the deformed axis of a core with absciss  and at the moment of      time . For problem decisions we consider, that one end of a core is fixed, then regional conditions will be Immovability of a core and vertical position of a tangent. Preliminary we find the own Values and functions of the equation of free fluctuations of a core for two variables  and . Physical The problem about core fluctuations is reduced to a mathematical problem: to find the decision of the equation, which Would satisfy to entry conditions and boundary conditions. Having spent a number of mathematical actions, in Result have received the formula of amplitude of the compelled cross-section fluctuations of a mast (in the form of the circular The cylinder) under the influence of harmonious force of frequency . In the conclusion in the environment of Mathcad 15 were calculated Dependences on time of deviations  for three various sections of a steel mast and at three Various frequencies.


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