• A. A. Sapronov Херсонська державна морська академія
Keywords: carbon nanotubes, surface of fracture, distribution of cracks, morphology.


The influence of carbon nanoparticles on the peculiarities of the structure formation of epoxy composites is considered in order to provide the necessary complex of their properties. As the main component for the binder in the formation of epoxy composites, an epoxy dyanoic oligomer ED-20 has been selected, which is characterized by improved adhesion strength, slight shrinkage and machinability when applied on the longitudinal surfaces of the complex profile. For crosslinking of epoxy compositions, polyethylenepolyamine PEPA has been used, which allows to assert materials at room temperatures. The method of optical microscopy using found that the uniform distribution of particles of carbon nanotubes affects the morphology of nanocomposites, and hence the properties of the formed materials. The homogeneity of the structure of the polymer was observed, which was observed when carbon nanotubes were introduced at a content of q = 0,010…0,025 mass.ch, which is due to the increase of the density of the physical nodes of the lattice mesh in the presence of chemical bonds. This in a complex ensures the growth of mechanical strength of polymers.


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