• O. Е. Samarin Херсонська державна морська академія
Keywords: циліндрова втулка, поршень, поршневий палець, нормальна сила, сила тертя


The construction cylinder-piston trunk-piston engine, consisting of a cylindrical plugs installed in the engine block, in which the plunger with two coaxial holes for mounting the piston pin. In pistons perpendicular to the axis of the first two coaxial holes in the horizontal plane made two coaxial holes for mounting the piston pin that allows you to rotate around a vertical axis piston 90 °. On the Pistons made the tag, which lies in a vertical plane passing through the axis beloved two coaxial holes for installing the piston pin, allowing the piston to return to 90 ° in the same direction as the cylinder sleeve. On the cylindrical sleeve made label, which lies in a vertical plane passing through the axle hub that allows you to rotate cylindrical sleeve 90 ° according to the marks on the engine block. In the engine block in a horizontal plane carried two tags at 90 °, one of which coincides with the axis of the crankshaft, allowing you to focus clearly on these cylindrical sleeve labels on initial installation and after turning 90 °. The use of utility model will double the life of the cylinder-piston four-stroke trunk-piston engine by turning cylindrical piston sleeve and around the vertical axis at 90 ° and more even wear of rubbing surfaces in two perpendicular planes.


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