• V. А. Nastasenko Херсонська державна морська академія
Keywords: force of the gravitational interaction, wave parameters of the gravitational field


Currently, the force of the gravitational field is assumed to be estimated by the value FG of the gravitational interaction of two point bodies of mass m1, m2 (kg) located at a distance r (m) between them, which follows from the Law of Universal gravitation discovered by Newton: However, the force FG, found for the interaction of point objects, cannot strictly characterize the gravitational field having a spatial structure that encompasses the entire sphere of the observable Universe. Therefore, the application of Newton’s law to determine this force is incorrect.

In the work performed, this drawback is eliminated on the basis of the found parameters of the waves of the gravitational field: the frequency νG, the wavelength λG, the energy of this wave EG = hνG (where h is Planck’s constant), and the mass equivalent mG of this wave, which are related to the speed of light in vacuum c by the following dependence mG.= hνG/с2. Herewith, the total mass m2 of waves of the gravitational field in the law by Newton is replaced by its equivalent NmG, where N is the number of wavelengths in the distance r to any object of mass m1, which makes up the value N = r/ λG, which allows us to find a new strict physical dependence for the force: FG:= m1c2/r. It follows from this dependence that the force FG of the action of the gravitational field on the object of mass m1 is energetic, it is directly proportional to the total energy of the mass of selected body and is inversely proportional to the distance r between it and any chosen point of the gravitational field.


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