Keywords: time in port, terms of charter party


The article deals with the principles of the formation of the voyage time in port, based on the terms of the charter-party and the features of the voyage. The duration of the time in port is considered as time for loading operations (laytime) and additional time a consequence of the wording of the charter-party terms and circumstances arising during the voyage, after the fact that charter-party is already concluded. The last ones are out the control of shipowner while each charter-party term regarding the time in port has some possible wordings and they are the subject to discuss for shipowner and charterer. Hence the shipowner may form one hand chaffer for the most acceptable for him wordings on the assumption of current situation and from other hand – to use them in calculations of time duration (and voyage costs as a next step). The structure of time in port was analyzed and the percentage of the additional time is showed. The calculations were made for the most popular in Black Sea – Mediterranean region vessels. The possible wordings of the charter-party terms regarding the additional time listed and their calculation procedure is formulated.


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