• V. O. Skirdenko Херсонська державна морська академія
  • A. V. Minskiy Національний технічний університет України «Київський політехнічний інститут»
Keywords: epoxy-filled composite, ferromagnetic fillers, magnetic permeability


Research of magnetic permeability of epoxy-composite materials filled with powders having para- and ferromagnetic properties was conducted. Value of magnetic permeability of epoxy composite materials filled with ferromagnetic powders, iron minium and steel 45 was determined. It was established that the maximum value of the magnetic permeability for composites with iron minium under field strength of H = 1300 A/m is μ = 2.75. Under the same field strength magnetic permeability of the samples processed with high-frequency pulsed magnetic field increases slightly and constitutes μ = 2.80. This can be explained by the fact that the preliminary magnetic treatment slightly changes the value of the magnetic moment of particles of this filler. It was proved that the maximum value of the magnetic permeability for composites with particles of Steel 45 if field strength H = 1300 A/m constitutes μ = 2.30. Magnetic treatment of the particles ensures production of samples with magnetic permeability of μ = 2.80. Results analysis of study of magnetic permeability of composites filled with coal slag, colloidal sulfur and carbide mixture allows to assert that the fillers used are regarded to be paramagnetic. Magnetic treatment of composition with such particles does not lead to a significant improvement of the properties of epoxy-filled composites.


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