• S. V. Miskovec Луцький національний технічний університет
  • P. P. Savchuk Луцький національний технічний університет
Keywords: wear resistance, diesel fuels, friction pairs, alloy elements


The article considers the problem of wear resistance of bronzes, of which details are made of the fuel equipment of diesel engines, in the environment of diesel fuels. It is shown that the wear resistance of such pairs essentially depends on the alloying elements and the type of friction. Investigated how different deliveries of the same material effect on the wear resistance and durability of the friction unit as a whole.
Studies show that different samples of the same material are some variations in the content of alloying elements within the GOST. It is shown that even with a slight change of chemical composition of materials change its physical and mechanical properties, and the same appears to be significant influence on the physics of the process of friction, slowing down or speeding it up. For various geometrical parameters of the friction this process will be different. So the difference in wear between one way and reversing friction under other equal conditions for friction pairs BrOF10-1 - SHH15 is 15 %, and for the couple BrAG 9-4 - SHH15 - 76 %.


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