• V. M. Ryabenkiy Національний університет кораблебудування ім. ад. Макарова, м. Миколаїв
  • O. O. Ushkarenko Національний університет кораблебудування ім. ад. Макарова, м. Миколаїв
Keywords: ship power system, operator workstation, structural-functional model, interface.


The principles of the mathematical description of elements of the operator’s user interface of  ship power plants to determine the component interfaces and the structural composition of workstations in the design of human-machine systems, and perform analysis of the processes of transformation of information in the interaction of the operator workstation with all the subsystems of the automated control system have been described. Proposed a method for formalization of the work process of operator with onscreen controls. The structural-functional model of the system to measure and monitor the parameters of the synchronous generator have been developed. The rules for describing functional structures at various levels of decomposition of the monitoring and control of ship’s power plant have been defined. The presence of an analytical model of the user interface is a measure of completeness and consistency, to determine the types of relationships and connections between subsystems control and visualization, as well as to describe the functionality of the individual subsystems and data processing algorithms. Advantage of this approach is in the use of different levels of decomposition to describe subsystems and elements of ICS, which allows to highlight the most important aspects of the description of the various stages of design and analysis system. The approach has an object-oriented style description contains information about the structure and types of communication links between the constituent elements of the system. Represented obviously user interface elements, elements of information transformation remain transparent to the developer and contain information about the behavior of the elements, requirements and their interaction capability.


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