• D. G. Parmenovа Одеська національна морська академія
Keywords: risk factors, classification, p risk, analysis, work safety


Risk profiling is the most important step in the risk assessment procedure for the courts, as it reflects the maximum list of dangerous and harmful factors, leading to injuries and occupational diseases sailors. Creating the most complete database on hazards arising in the performance of work on board will allow for qualitative risk assessment of these works and to ensure safety for the crew members. Information was collected about the dangers and risks on ships systematized these risks, as well as an analysis of the identified hazards in order to identify preventive measures. Results systematization hazards for marine works, analysis of the causes and conditions of exposure show that they allow to evaluate the risk and take the necessary measures to ensure the safety of seafarers. Practical application of the database created in the learning process of students will able to significantly improve their level of training and develop a culture of personal safety.


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